How To Cultivate a Relationship Built on Trust

You’ve probably heard multiple times that “honesty is the best policy.” While this might be a bit of wisdom passed from parents to their children through the generations, it is a fact too easily forgotten by adulthood. Several recent studies have uncovered that a majority of people bend the truth a bit on a daily basis when interacting with coworkers, friends, and romantic partners. Though these lies range from innocent to problematic, dishonesty is a bad practice to fall into no matter the kind of lie being told. To cultivate a strong relationship with your significant other, you must learn how to be honest on all fronts. Consider these suggestions to learn how to create a connection with a foundation of trust and honesty.
Be Honest With Yourself
In order for you to be completely open with another person, you first need to start practicing honesty with yourself. This starts by taking time to understand yourself and your own intentions. For example, you might begin a relationship with someone who has a strong impulse to get married in the next few years. If you lead this person along with no true intention of tying the knot, then you are essentially lying to your partner. Understanding your own intentions and goals can shape your relationships in much healthier ways.
When you’re honest with yourself, you are less likely to be reckless with someone else’s heart. Instead of stringing someone along for years, you can open up and admit you’re not sure if you’re ready for marriage. It might be painful to be upfront about this information with someone you care about, but it will save both of you a lot of trouble in the long run. The more you understand yourself, your desires, and your goals, the easier it becomes to cultivate a relationship that works.
Sincerity Is Key
Everyone fakes sincerity from time to time. If you’ve ever seen a friend’s performance in a community theater production or experimental art show, you might be familiar with smiling and pretending you enjoyed the experience. While this can be useful for sparing someone’s feelings, the practice can be incredibly problematic when implemented in a romantic relationship. A lack of sincerity can be the cause of a relationship falling apart, though many people try to preserve a partner’s emotions by offering less-than-truthful responses to direct questions.
Should your significant other ask for your honest opinion on a matter, you need to learn how to give a truthful answer. When you are too concerned about being honest because you fear how your words will be taken, it suggests you don’t believe your partner can handle what you have to say and creates a somewhat uneven playing field for the relationship. Above all, practice being sincere in all of your relationships, and it will make it easier for you to say what you mean when you’re asked for input.
Criticism Works Both Ways
The world is filled with people who can “dish it out but can’t take it.” If you have no problem offering criticism and a lot of trouble taking it, then this is an area you need to actively work on. When a partner offers constructive advice on a problematic trait you exhibit, it is an opportunity to listen and respond in a healthy way. Take this advice to heart and be honest with yourself about how you come across to others. Accepting helpful criticism means you are able to see yourself and your actions from a somewhat objective point of view.
In conclusion, it takes time and effort from both involved parties to cultivate a healthy relationship. If you’re struggling with being your most honest self, take time to address the issue and learn helpful ways to be more truthful in all aspects of your life.